Saturday, May 30, 2009

Farmer's Market Score

The market was great this morning. I got some garlic scapes, fresh basil, fresh sprouts, radish, green onion, garlic flowers and an assortment of lettuces. 

Sunning Turkey Vultures

If you enlarge this photo you can see two turkey vultures drying their wings in the morning sun on the top of the ridge in Jose Canyon. This hike is about 10 minutes from where I live. 

Poser Kitties

The kitties are really getting adventuresome in the back yard but mainly just stand around and pose. I think they've been listening to too much Rufus Wainwright. 

Monday, May 25, 2009

Pinkie von Beaumont

Pinkie volunteered to do quality control and product testing. 

Cat Mint Chili Pepper

My friend Paula is making these adorable chili peppers from cat mint she grew in the community garden. They will be sold at the Farmer's Market to raise funds for our greenhouse project. 

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Sugar Pecans

My friends from Louisiana send me sugar pecans and I just love 'em. Since these pecans are native to the area and because they are delicious - I decided to make a batch to sell at the Farmer's Market this weekend. 

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


You could not get a parking ticket in this town if you tried. 

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Farmer's Market

The Farmer's Market opened Saturday in Truth or Consequences and there was some truly incredible finds. These are Red Hot Pokers that come from the valley just north of us. It was a blown out social event for this town and I really look forward to seeing all the fresh produce start pouring in soon. 

Organic Bug Spray

I was selling some organic bug spray I make from essentials oils at my friend's herb stand.


My friend Lilynn from Monticello whose family are seed farmer's, had these delicious sun-dried tomatoes. Yum Yum and more Yum. I'm going to use them the raw food preparation below:

Sun Dried Tomato & Basil Paste

1 cup walnuts

½ cup sunflower seeds

1 cup sun dried tomato

1 cup basil (Chopped)

2 tbsp olive oil

½ tsp sea salt

1 tsp soy sauce

Little Tramp Art

My friends the seed farmer's out at in Monticello brought their kids to the Farmer's Market and the young boys (9 and 7 I think) had made all these knives from different scraps and things available to them on their farm. I thought this was some amazing tramp art from some young country dudes. 

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Seeds of Change

Some friends here took a bag of this Rainbow dent corn to the Inauguration so these are literarily Seeds of Change and Hope. I planted a small circle of them but that is not the ideal way to plant corn I learned. It's best to bunch them tightly together as the winds and rain really batter them during monsoon season. We'll see what happens. 

Purple Beans

These are probably the best thing I have going in the garden right now. It's some purple beans that I planted right into the soil. 


My lettuce is coming up real nicely but it won't last too long. In the summer months it gets too hot to grow it so I'll have to get it at our farmer's market from people who grow in a cooler valley. 

Sunday, May 3, 2009


I got back in the wee hours of Saturday morning from being in Massachusetts and my entire town was in full swing for it's annual Fiesta Festival which is the celebration of Ralph Edwards and the naming of the town Truth or Consequences. My first stop was a place called Dr. Bob's where there was an intense drumming circle going on with lots of wild dancing. I played with them for about an hour before I split to check out another live band playing in the park.  It certainly was a massive culture shock after my conference. 

African Dancing

The energy was incredibly high and all sorts of crazy dancing was happening with the African Band. As my friend Wendy said, "Can you believe how random this place is?" The whole town was partying and cutting loose - and I mean looser than they typically are. 

Fire Spinners

These fire spinners were going strong as the African band jammed in Ralph Edwards Park which is right on the Rio Grande.