Thursday, February 4, 2010

Recycled Lotion Bottles

For months I've had the intention of refilling my lotion bottles at the local food coop an hour away. They have a bulk area for cosmetics but many times they were either completely out of my lotion or I forgot the bottles. I was skeptical about getting a good price because this "coop" is ridiculously expensive and I'm a known bargain shopper. I laboriously pumped the lotion in one stroke at a time and was delighted to find out it was indeed a good deal, even compared to the deals I've gotten on this product at more mainstream retailers. I'm softening up on my criticism of these "food coops" since I've lived here realizing they really do help the surrounding communities score decent food. I was just used to the Park Slope Food Coop in Brooklyn which is truly a "working members only" food coop and a model of sheer idealism at work.

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